dotnet 工具 格式化c#代码

Z技术 2019年07月02日 659次浏览

官方github:GitHub - dotnet/format: Home for the dotnet-format command


1,安装 dotnet tool install -g dotnet-format


  dotnet-format [options] [<workspace>]

  <workspace>    A path to a solution file, a project file, or a folder containing a solution or project file. If a path is not specified then the current directory is used.

  --no-restore                        Doesn't execute an implicit restore before formatting.
  --folder, -f                        Whether to treat the `<workspace>` argument as a simple folder of files.
  --fix-whitespace, -w                Run whitespace formatting. Run by default when not applying fixes.
  --fix-style, -s <severity>          Run code style analyzers and apply fixes.
  --fix-analyzers, -a <severity>      Run 3rd party analyzers and apply fixes.
  --diagnostics <diagnostic ids>      A space separated list of diagnostic ids to use as a filter when fixing code style or 3rd party analyzers.
  --include <include>                 A list of relative file or folder paths to include in formatting. All files are formatted if empty.
  --exclude <exclude>                 A list of relative file or folder paths to exclude from formatting.
  --check                             Formats files without saving changes to disk. Terminates with a non-zero exit code if any files were formatted.
  --report <report>                   Accepts a file path, which if provided, will produce a json report in the given directory.
  --binarylog <binary-log-path>       Log all project or solution load information to a binary log file.
  --verbosity, -v <verbosity>         Set the verbosity level. Allowed values are q[uiet], m[inimal], n[ormal], d[etailed], and diag[nostic]
  --version                           Show version information



4,github自动格式化办法 参考链接: dotnet 基于 dotnet format 的 GitHub Action 自动代码格式化机器人
